Strong quads and weak glutes and hamstring contribute to low back and knee pain. Exercises for glutes without engaging the quads could be complicated.
I love to see firm, rounded and lifted buttocks in both men and women.
Before accusing me of being a pervert, let me explain.
Your body’s powerhouse is your legs. Your legs’ powerhouse is your glutes. A firm, rounded and lifted buttocks mean that you have a lot of power in your legs, and you know how to use it.
Oh, c’mon, keep your mind on the subject. Don’t keep looking at the picture.
Strong glutes almost guarantee that both your cardiovascular strength and your muscular strength is high. Strong glutes contribute to speed and help mobility as we age.
And I do think firm buttocks are sexy.
The problem is that many have soft, saggy and weak buttocks that with age deprive them of their mobility. Many elderly cannot get into or out of a chair, they have a hard time seating themselves on a toilet, and they are forced to use walkers just for simple walks. Elderly manifest weak glutes in extremes but elite athletes could have the same problem. However, that is another story.
It’s a shame not to have power, strength, and mobility at any age because of weak glutes. This is a shame since you can strengthen glutes at any age with glutes exercises performed with correct form.
What is the correct form of glutes exercises?
Proper exercise for glutes is not an exercise but a process that includes awareness, focus, freedom, strength, and balance. These are the five fundamentals of planning glutes exercise program at home or at the gym.